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Sunday, 23 November 2014

Sonali House talk about how mean the girls!

Sonali with Renee about charisma was seen discussing secretly. He said he understood how far Sonali and Sonali often borrowed from her personal use and then return them to found things that have not been forgotten. Oh it is? Sonali Renee needs her makeup or clothes, whenever he reached out to very sweet, but he tried to ask him for organizations of Sonali, when one day he heard nothing it was as if a part has been ignored restless. Sonali too bad! Renee during the crisis of the other girls in the house is like sharing things with the girls in his luggage, does not mind sharing, but Sonali is quite different and selfish. Charisma on the adage smirked, this is nothing new, all the other women in the house, are aware of his attitude, giving an example of Natasa not use after Sonali, Sonali who lent an orange lipstick ago competitive even bother to return it for several days. Natasa it back from him to take it a little surprised by the help of Diandra. If you remember, was one of Natasa sweet and loving person!

Karisma when it comes to the use of other stuff too careless to things as giving Sonali while Renee told to be very careful. I talk to him, thank God I did not really off, thinking her face Renee read !!

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