Pranit is going to kill, taken. Vision in fact you can see all the tight security around as it was to enter the thieves seemed to be quite difficult. Gautam and Puneet thieves were put an end to their mission which they ensure the store room don't leave the area. Pranit tried to take away one of the pieces, as the guard grabbed him upen right away! Inside the jail, only this first attempt was pranit as he agreed to released elsewhere.Must be why Upen as upen tried to give good explanation for. The other two thieves Ali waited and charisma and his crime partner is released as soon as possible to the living area of services.
Pranit Diandra here and tried to do a deal with upen. By all present guard out there washing it when asked, pranit backwards he was interested in working, as leave and close the door of the room jail asking them stepped up.
Simlultaneously, Ali kept fidgeting with the stuff here and therel, and was caught. Finally, Ali was put inside the prison, and they all had enough of his voice around as everyone felt happy. But it was just the beginning. To find more inside scoops episode watch.
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